Friday, October 29, 2010


Penguin Instructions
    Basic Shapes for your Penguin
        Attach head to the body

        Attach the wings to the body

         Add white to the penguin's face and belly

        Add feet to your penguin

        Add accents of yellow and gray to give your penguin a personalized look

         Add the beak to your penguin

        Add eyes and any additional details you want on your penguin

        Bake your penguin according to the instructions on your package of clay

          Saturday, October 16, 2010


          Elephant Instructions

          Basic shapes for your elephant

          *See the page on mixing clay to find information on how to make this gray color*

          Attach head to body

          Attach ears to head
          Attach trunk and shape the head to look more elephant like

          Add tusks and eyes

          Add tail
          Add black tip to tail and attach legs

          Put any final touches to your elephant and bake it according to the instructions on your package of clay